The Foxborough Fire Explorer Post 32 was founded in 2009, but young adults wanting to learn what it takes to make a career in the emergency services in Foxborough. In the 1950's the Junior Firefighter of Foxborough was established. Primarily an on call fire department the Junior's worked side by side with firefighters at emergency scenes. Many Junior Firefighters made a career of the fire service and have served as firefighters, fire officers, and chief officers past and present. The Junior Firefighters remained active until the late 1990's.
The Explorer's are a division of the Boy Scouts of America and are trained by members of the fire service. Their training includes, but is not limited to SCBA operations, salvage and overhaul, fire behavior, first aid and CPR, automatic external defibrillator (AED) operations, and other skills frequently used in the fire service.
Why Post 32? In the early morning of June, 4, 1900 the old Foxborough town hall caught fire and three Foxborough Firefighters gave the ultimate sacrifice. The bell's supports in the tower of the building was weakened by the intense fire and crashed through the building killing one firefighter at the scene and two others succumbed to their injuries later at Massachusetts General Hospital. One other firefighter also suffered injuries, but survived. This fire was the first Line of Duty Death of the Foxborough Fire Department. There wouldn't be another LODD in Foxborough until 1960's which will hopefully be the last. The fire alarm box for the old town hall building was Box 32.

Below are some photographs of their training